Kelly Greenough Sheridan Sales Associate
- Cell: (480) 818-2616
- Email: kelly.greenough@c21bhj.com
A Sheridan native, Kelly was raised on ranches as a true throwback to her late aunts, Alice and Marge Greenough, who broke horses as kids and left home young to launch Hall-of-Fame careers as performers in rodeos, Wild West shows and in Hollywood in the early 20th century. Alice Greenough Orr is considered the first rodeo queen in American history, and Kelly followed in her footsteps as a Wyoming queen, as well.
She kept her Western heritage alive in Arizona, where she moved as a young woman and sold real estate for 24 years, including finding and selling many horse facilities for snowbirds from the north. Kelly knows what folks need and want in their primary or second home, and has the experience to find it – as well as help clients sell nicely when they’re ready to upgrade or move away.
After too long away from Wyoming, Kelly is back with her husband and teenaged son, who loves to play all sports and to cowboy, too. Her dozens of local friends are ecstatic she’s come home. At the same time, her extended time in the Phoenix area gave her invaluable insights into real estate markets both urban and rural, and throughout various economic cycles.
Here in Sheridan, she never lost many of her connections to the land and her rodeo roots, and her contacts in this area are second to none. Kelly applies her cowgirl work ethic and Western hospitality to all her relationships with clients, along with congeniality and a strong dose of realism that lets you know you can trust her.
Kelly’s empathy and enthusiasm for helping people dovetails nicely with her industry experience and knowledge, and she knows this part of Wyoming like the back of her hand. Basically, she still rides for a brand that’s a mix of determination, good taste, thoughtfulness and integrity – which makes her the answer for anything you need around northern Wyoming.